Q-2, r. 35.3.01 - Regulation respecting manure anaerobic digestion projects eligible for the issuance of offset credits

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56. A verifier who, during a verification, observes an error, omission or inaccuracy in the quantification of the GHG emission reductions attributable to the project, or a failure to comply with a condition of this Regulation, must inform the promoter.
M.O. 2023-1010, s. 56.
In force: 2023-12-28
56. A verifier who, during a verification, observes an error, omission or inaccuracy in the quantification of the GHG emission reductions attributable to the project, or a failure to comply with a condition of this Regulation, must inform the promoter.
M.O. 2023-1010, s. 56.